
What Does Writing Really Mean?

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What Does Writing Really Mean?

 Writing includes not just the schematic expression of thoughts and feelings via the use of powerful language, but also the capacity to build on those thoughts and feelings in such a way that the reader can comprehend them and, hopefully, share them with the author. Therefore, the logic and intuitions put forth must be strong.

What is the Writing Process?

Even though there is not a magic formula or foolproof recipe to achieve that goal, there are some basic assumptions that are the result of experience that should be exposed and explained so that they are taken into account when writing. This is true regardless of the personal writing style that each person has, which you must respect unless it is vitiated grammatically and semantically. Sometimes the situation is not as easy as this in the actual world. Many students are required to create essays while managing other assignments; in this situation, they need a clever solution but never purchase an essay.

Grammar is Important

The first thing to take into account is writing itself. Words must be as precise and simple as possible when expressing an idea or feeling. They must also conform to a grammatical structure that determines in advance how to construct such phrases that, when linked together, will have to form meaningful paragraphs. Words must be consecutive in time and space when combined to form phrases.

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The language (with which ideas and feelings will have to be expressed) will therefore lack force and transcendence without a thorough prior knowledge of the various grammatical structures and the mastery of a broad and varied vocabulary: they will die in their cradle, incapable of allowing them to take off, much less that they manage to convey what the author proposes. That is In this respect, practising the habit of good writing is the first and most fundamental aspect of studying and learning content in the first years of primary school. That is, clearly and accurately. Reading is essential in this regard, of course. As a result, a reader who does not comprehend what they read will not express their thoughts and feelings in writing. In actuality, both must be offered simultaneously and practised beginning at a young age, working their way up to the most difficult.

Express the Right Emotion

You also need to keep in mind that, generally speaking, it is difficult for us to write thoughts or emotions that we ourselves do not have sufficient clarity over. So, how do we pretend to convey something to someone else that we ourselves do not understand?

The truth is that the art of writing well implies that prior need to understand at least precisely what it is not understood, the valid paradox. This is true even though it is true that when it comes to a more complex script, such as that given in a literary text – poem, story, novel – the author often writes correctly to try to understand better his inner chaos or that of the external world (sometimes even as a therapy). The contradiction really only becomes obvious since it is already possible to start unravelling it by just understanding how to raise the components of life that are illogical, cryptic, puzzling, contradictory, or ludicrous.

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Fiction is Different

In fact, writing does not usually aim to provide answers; a successful novel, for instance, often serves its aesthetic purpose by posing the most important questions in an indirect, provocative manner. And one way to achieve so in literary fiction is to invent—with talent, of journey, settings, and people who represent those uncertainties or contradictions in their behaviour.


Publisher and the founder of He works as a passionate blogger full-time. Technology, blogging, social media, and Education interests

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